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Seeing Small Beauty

A few weeks ago we awoke to a light frost. When my wife and I stepped out on our second floor balcony to look around, I noticed that the glass which is part of the deck's railing was covered with delicate brushstrokes of frost that looked like large snowflakes. Since I was standing there in my socks in freezing temperatures, I took a few quick photos using the portrait mode on my iPhone, which blurs the background, and then dashed back inside. As you can see, the portrait mode allowed me to focus on these remarkable bits of frost without the distraction of the foliage below.

I was pleased to have made a photograph that expressed the sense of wonder that arose in me as I looked at this small artwork of nature. This experience reminded me that there are many, many small wonders all around us in nature, and that with some intention on our part to recognize them, we can find beauty wherever we are.

If you have a close-up photo that you'd like to share, please feel free to do so in the comments section below.

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